Where Fitness + Dogs = Life

Lets Unleash Your True Strength and Your Dogs Potential

Unleash Your Strength


12 weeks to a mentally and physically stronger YOU!

Your dogs 2 Week bootcamp to better behaviour, OFF LEASH CONTROL and calm state of mind.

Unleash Your Dogs Potential

Training Programs

Unleash and Lift Signature Program

Get Strong With Your Dog

Holistic Wellness

Holistic approach to Fuelling Your Fitness and Your Dogs Longevity

12 weeks to a Stronger you and a well behaved dog.


We offer an unpretentious and results-oriented community that’s invested in your goals and success.

  • For the Humans: Certified Strength Coach and Holistic Nutritionist

  • For The Pets: Certified Vet Nurse, Naturopathic Approach and Services

  • On Site Integrative Health Veterinarian

  • Certified Behaviour Specialist

  • Acupuncture, Diagnostics and Preventative Holistic Medicine

  • Holistic Nutrition Consultations and Plans

  • Professional Grooming (stress free training based approach)

  • Boutique Boarding Facilities (For Training Clients Only to maintian calm mindsets and stress free environment)

  • Customised Dog Training Plans and Packages

Check your ego at the door and get ready to UNLEASH AND LIFT!

“Train Don’t Complain.”

— Muscle Mind Connection is the cornerstone to success in Strength Training + Dog Training/ Let Us show you how!